
International News

Man Behind Viral “Dress That Broke The Internet” Jailed for Strangling His Wife

The man associated with the viral “dress that broke the internet” has been sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison for violently assaulting and strangling his wife, as reported by the BBC. Keir Johnston, 39, attacked his wife, pinning her to the ground and choking her before brandishing a knife in March 2022.

During the assault, Ms. Grace sent desperate messages to friends and eventually dialed 999, screaming, “My husband is trying to kill me.” Johnston was overheard making a threatening remark, “Somebody is going to die,” according to The Times.

The couple gained worldwide attention seven years ago when the mother of the bride’s dress at their wedding became an internet sensation in 2015. The dress sparked a debate over its color, with some seeing it as black and blue and others as white and gold. The dress was, in fact, black and blue, with the differing perceptions attributed to the photo quality. Following the viral fame, the couple appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, receiving $10,000 and a trip to Grenada.

However, their private life was fraught with abuse. The High Court in Glasgow heard that Johnston had a history of abusing his wife. Prosecutor Chris Macintosh revealed that Ms. Grace felt trapped due to the lack of a permanent police presence on their island.

Days before the assault, Ms. Grace defied her husband’s demands by attending a job interview. The attack occurred after Johnston returned home from a pub, where he had been drinking. Last month, he pleaded guilty to assaulting his wife, causing injury and endangering her life.

Lady Drummond, the judge at the High Court in Glasgow, stated that Johnston strangled his wife for about 20 seconds. “Initially, she was able to scream. She feared for her life and believed you intended to kill her. You were very forceful. The strangling lasted about 20 seconds. She did not lose consciousness but felt very close to doing so,” the judge said.

Sentencing Johnston to four-and-a-half years in prison, Judge Lady Drummond highlighted the severe emotional and psychological impact on Ms. Grace. “She suffers in various aspects of her life – emotionally, psychologically, and financially. The impact of your actions will last forever. She cannot understand your lack of remorse or empathy towards her,” the judge remarked.

In addition to the prison sentence, Johnston has been banned from contacting or approaching his wife for 10 years.

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