
Entertainment News

Raveena Tandon, Driver Assaulted by Crowd in Bandra; Mumbai Police Confirm No Collision

Mumbai Police have confirmed that actor Raveena Tandon’s car did not hit anyone during a recent road rage incident in Bandra. The investigation revealed that women were close to Tandon’s car but were not struck by it, according to CCTV footage from the Khar-based building where the event occurred.

A viral video had earlier shown a man alleging that Tandon’s driver had hit his mother, leading to an assault when questioned. He claimed the incident occurred while he was walking with his mother, sister, and niece near the actor’s house. The footage, however, indicated no collision, despite the accusations from locals who confronted Tandon and her driver on Carter Road, Bandra, on Saturday night.

Police reported that after Tandon exited her vehicle to address the crowd, she was allegedly pushed and hit. The video captures her pleading, “Please don’t hit me.” It also shows a man asserting that Tandon’s driver hit his mother and that the actress, purportedly inebriated, assaulted the woman upon stepping out of the car.

According to a Khar police official, the incident escalated after the driver reversed the car, leading to a confrontation inside a nearby building. The viral video features a woman claiming assault and a bleeding nose, while a man reiterates that his mother was hit while walking near Tandon’s house.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Rajtilak Roshan clarified in a statement to Mid-Day that the car did not hit anyone. The investigation, including a review of the CCTV footage, confirmed that Tandon’s driver was reversing the car when the family was crossing the lane. An argument ensued when the family advised the driver to check for pedestrians before reversing.

Roshan explained that the argument intensified, with both Tandon and the family using abusive language. Tandon arrived to protect her driver from the mob, which then began abusing her. Both parties went to the Khar police station, filed written complaints, and later submitted letters stating they did not wish to pursue any charges.

This incident highlights the complexities and potential misunderstandings in public altercations, despite video evidence and witness statements.

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